Lulu of the Sea

#21 Cthulhu d-01

We’re well into the 21st century and we’ve just about had it with names like John and Emily.

Yup, no more needing to nickname Jill one, two, and three in a class of thirty kids because we’ve come up with awesome new names like North-West, Cthulhu, and even StreetLamp. That’s right, StreetLamp is a perfectly acceptable and quite actually bad-ass name for your blond three year old.


#20 EXCITED!-01

Getting Excited about Something: Cures Everything Ever.

Honestly. Next time you’re sick for months, beat tired at 3pm, or recovering from a concussion because you snowboarded like a fool, let yourself get excited about ANYTHING. It’s awesome. Start that ridiculous project that makes sense to nobody, text that girl, go to Home Depot and buy all the crap necessary to built a snow ball trebuchet on your balcony, or just find a new way to look at the world. Even if the profit return is -1000 percent, it is so worth it. You forget your crap and feel excited, healthy, alive (You might even feel like the stupidest person on your street … which is an awesome accomplishment!). I’m telling you, getting excited about something: cures Everything Ever.